Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wrapping it up

As the semester finally comes to a close my senior project will be due within the week.  Tomorrow I will finish the cover and add a picture to page 11 and some last minute editing and Bombe will be over.  I am going to feature a two pictures of my full page story.  My inspiration for this story came from some of my friends and I exchanging crazy stories of things that happen to us when we tend to drink a little too much.  My friends and I have a saying before we go out "Classy not Trashy" now this rarely ends up happening which is the ironic part, so this is the name for the story.  Now if Bombe were a real magazine readers would send in stories similar to the ones my friends and I have wrote. Also, the picture featured in the story is just a funny picture I found online.  I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

More Progress

Since my latest blog post I have accomplished a lot on "Bombe".  I am nearly done at this point and just need to get the cover completed and then the final steps like editing and proofing will come into place.  My letter to the editor piece is basically just a story about me and why I chose to do my senior project as a magazine along with some of the events that led up to that.  It is a simple layout, which provides a very professional expression.  The only thing that is missing is a photo of me which is in the white space to the right of the text.  My latest story is sort of what I have been writing in my blog posts going through the basic steps of how the magazine started in a sort of handwritten manner. Also at the very last arrow on "It all starts with an idea" it will be the cover of the "Bombe" magazine.