Monday, October 18, 2010

Duel: Blogger vs. Worpress

Blogger and Wordpress are the top two sites to use when wanting to create a blog for free.  Below I am going to list positive and negative aspects of both the sites so that you will be able to pick for yourself which suits you best!!!

Blogger Pros:
*easy to use templates
*you can use any type of script
*easy to use
*mobile blogging
*easy to setup and manage
Blogger Cons:
*only 1 gigabyte of space for images
*limited template options
*sometimes the site lags when loading

Wordpress Pros:
*3 gigabytes of space for images
*tags are supported by search engines
*lots of customization options
*easy to install and setup

Wordpress Cons:
*costs for style sheet editing
*more technical; for those who don't have extensive computer knowledge
*security issues

I hope the above information is helpful in helping you decide to either choose Blogger or Wordpress for your blogging needs.

You can find these and more images at:


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