Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wrapping it up

As the semester finally comes to a close my senior project will be due within the week.  Tomorrow I will finish the cover and add a picture to page 11 and some last minute editing and Bombe will be over.  I am going to feature a two pictures of my full page story.  My inspiration for this story came from some of my friends and I exchanging crazy stories of things that happen to us when we tend to drink a little too much.  My friends and I have a saying before we go out "Classy not Trashy" now this rarely ends up happening which is the ironic part, so this is the name for the story.  Now if Bombe were a real magazine readers would send in stories similar to the ones my friends and I have wrote. Also, the picture featured in the story is just a funny picture I found online.  I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

More Progress

Since my latest blog post I have accomplished a lot on "Bombe".  I am nearly done at this point and just need to get the cover completed and then the final steps like editing and proofing will come into place.  My letter to the editor piece is basically just a story about me and why I chose to do my senior project as a magazine along with some of the events that led up to that.  It is a simple layout, which provides a very professional expression.  The only thing that is missing is a photo of me which is in the white space to the right of the text.  My latest story is sort of what I have been writing in my blog posts going through the basic steps of how the magazine started in a sort of handwritten manner. Also at the very last arrow on "It all starts with an idea" it will be the cover of the "Bombe" magazine.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tweet talk

As I was trying to scramble for another story idea I decided to get on twitter.  There I noticed how many trends that I realized I didn't know or hash tags that I didn't understand.  I then decided to search throughout twitter for popular hashtags and popular trends as well as breaking down what some of the acronyms meant. This story is not fully complete yet, but almost there.

Perfume Ad

On this particular ad I chose to do a perfume ad.  When I saw the picture I asked myself when I see this what do I think she would be doing.  The first thing that came to my head was that she was obviously looking at someone and that is where the idea started to flourish.  I felt like the woman was staring at a man trying to get his attention and when he finally noticed her staring at him he couldn't help being drawn in by this woman.  Seduction captures this scenario perfectly, the woman isn't just staring at him she has a agenda when she looks at this man she wants him bed or so this is what I want the ad to portray.  When you look at this ad I hope that it feels sensual and that you would want to purchase a perfume based on the below ad and that wearing the perfume "Seduction" you yourself would feel seductive.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sex Madness

In my document design class we had to make either a DVD cover, book cover or CD cover and through a specific archive find a movie, book or c.d. and sort of re vamp so that our professor could see that our InDesign/Photoshop skills were adequate for the class.  I chose "Sex Madness" which was a movie created in the 1930's and it dealt with sex exploitation, lesbianism, sex out of wedlock and partying we were to choose a target audience and a type of cover for the assignment.  I chose adolescents 10-18 for the movie cover.  I used a lot of cartoon figures to make the topic seem more fun for the specific age group and eye popping colors to keep it youthful.  The black background helps the colors stand out and the lipstick stain adds seductiveness.  The bold word "SEX" helps capture your attention and hopefully makes you want to continue looking further into the document.  Below is what I came up with:

Modeling Ad

The below ad was created in InDesign and all of the photos were created in Photoshop.  I wanted to use duo-tones for this ad just because I believe it gave it some depth and added a little emotion to the ad.  If the pictures were not duo-tone I believe the ad would have a different effect than the current one does.  I wanted the ad to depict sensuality so as a female your thinking to yourself "hey I wanna be in a picture like that".  I do feel as if the feeling of sensuality was depicted in this ad.  The bars in the ad add a little more color and separate each of the columns of pictures. I hope you like what I have created!!

Destiny Make-up ad with text

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Destiny Make-up

Progress on Bombe Magazine has been going well a full page story is finished as well as 3 one page ads.  My "Destiny Make-up" is one of my favorites the inspiration came from the fact that I wanted an ad that sort of told two stories which is the effect I hope it perceives.  I had originally created this ad in my digital file preparation class.  If you scroll down my blog you should find the process I went through in making it.  It is 8.5x11 inches with a full bleed.  I hope you like it, the design is different than the original.  Note that there is no text in this current ad I will upload that soon but it is the same as in the first post.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bombe Magazine

Fellow Bloggers,

I have finally decided on a name for my ficticious magazine BOMBE which is the french word for bombshell.  Why did I choose this you might ask?  I wanted to describe females in a manner in which you don't hear very often which is why I had first went with the name Vixen.  This magazine will be specifically for females included will be funny stories (confessions), stories about beauty, men among numerous other things.  My first story is about 90% done and was inspired from the crazy things my friends and I have done "Classy Not Trashy" is the name of the article.  I also have began on one of my one page ads and started on the back cover page as well.  Hopefully, tomorrow I can put up some screen shots of my progress.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Fellow bloggers,

As I said in my previous post I am going to be creating a fictitious magazine to really showcase my layout skills and the things I have learned in my four years at Pitt State University.  The magazine with be 8.5x11 finished, and will consist of 12 pages.  When I first started planning out the magazine I was going to make it 10 pages but if you do your research you will find that is not possible because it needs to be in groups of 4 (4, 8, 12, 16 etc) because you will have two pages on the front and back.

My biggest struggle so far is the title of the magazine, because of copyright reasons I cannot name the magazine after one that is already being published (Rave, Beaute, Vixen) these were my top picks and they have been thrown into the dumpster.  My choices right now that are NOT already out there are as follows:

1) Bombshell
2) Bombe
3) Fabuleux


I thought about changing the spelling on the already Vixen magazine to Vix-N but that looks a little tacky to me.  So far I think option 2 will be my final choice, I will keep you posted on what I choose and next is color scheme which is always fun for me because I LOVE color. Until next time...

Happy Blogging!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New things to come.....

Hello everyone in blogger land,

It has been ages since I have made a post I was a huge slacker!!!! I do plan on adding a lot of new things to this blog in the upcoming months.  For my Senior Project I plan on creating a fictitious magazine and as I create it you will the step by step process until its fully completed!!!!  Also I will be doing some work in my Document Design class as well so be looking for those things as well!!!

Happy Blogging!!!